In an effort to raise awareness of breast cancer, October has been designated as the Pink Month. The Pink Month is a month where efforts to educate those concerned about the disease, including early identification and signs and symptoms associated with breast cancer.
Breast cancer is probably the disease most feared by women, due to its high frequency and psychological effects, which affect the perception of sexuality and one’s personal image.
Every year, breast cancer kills more than 500,000 women around the world. In resource-poor settings, a majority of women with breast cancer are diagnosed at an advanced stage of disease, resulting in low survival rates.
90% of early-stage breast cancers are curable, often with treatments that conserve the breast, so it is imperative that women self-examine themselves once a month for any early signs, visit their doctor regularly, and get mammography periodically.
Information and prevention are the greatest allies against breast cancer. With this in mind, the Ministry of Health in Brazil recommends conducting a screening mammogram in women aged 50 to 69 years once every two years.
To highlight the importance of fighting the disease, Brazil goes pink throughout the month.
What about you? Do you celebrate Pink October in your country? How is it done?